There’s a reason why bean bag chairs are still used to this day (especially by college kids!). They offer a fun and unique way to lounge around and are a neat alternative to couches, futons, or armchairs.
However, with so many options for bean bag chairs out there, it can be difficult to choose which one to go with. One of the main factors you need to consider when purchasing a bean bag chair is size. In order to figure out what size bean bag chair is right for you, it’s important to test one out at either a box store or a friend or family member’s house.
To help you narrow your search, we’ve put together a few tips to help you find the right-sized bean bag chair.
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If You Have Kids
Seating for children can be more difficult to find. The positive is, bean bag chairs are actually a great option because they are made for toddlers and older kids.
While dimensions for bean bag chairs are important, the smaller size is wonderful for portability and seating for outdoor events. The dimensions can be 27 inches in diameter, making it accessible for kids, but also perfect for versatility, as it can be used as a footrest or pet seating.
Additionally, larger bean bag chairs are available that can actually be made into a couch for kids. These larger bean bag chairs can be very beneficial because they can seat multiple children. It is important to note, however, that these larger chairs also come with risks to safety.
One problem is that if the bean bag chair is large in diameter and light in the material. In fact, in the 1990s, bean bag chairs were recalled due to the fact that kids were getting inside the bean bag and inhaling the small pieces of filling that was used to stuff the chairs.
This resulted in legislation that requires bean bag chairs to have a zipper that is open with a tool. Safety problems are still an issue, even as recent as 2016. One child crawled under a bean bag chair at a daycare center in Utah.
Without realizing that the child was under the chair, a daycare worker sat on the bean bag chair for an extended period of time, resulting in the suffocation of the child. There are much information and resources that outline the health risk of these plushy chairs.
Chair-Size Options for Adults
The Medium Chair
When considering your purchase of a bean bag chair, the size of your living arrangements is important to note. For instance, if your space is a smaller apartment, a bean bag chair that is a medium size of about 32 inches in diameter may be the best fit for you, even though it may not fit adults of all sizes.
The Large Chair
In contrast, a large bean bag chair is about 37 inches in diameter, making it more comfortable for guests of all ages. It is also still portable and easier to manage than a regular chair, as it only weighs around 10lbs, depending on which material is used in making the bean bag chair.
The Extra-Large Chair
If you are looking for a bean bag chair that is extra cozy, extra roomy, and built for tall people, then you will want to consider the extra large bean bag chair of 52-inch diameter. This chair is perfect for quick pick-me-up naps, sinking into relaxation after a long day, or it even can double as bedding for the company.
As with the other styles of bean bag chairs, this size also comes with its own set of concerns. An example would be guests who have a harder time getting up from low places or have health problems that impede them from using their arms for support.
Another issue to consider is storability. People often ask, “Where might I store my extra-large bean bag chair?” This is important to consider when making your decision because it is not easily stored in a closet space or other storage area.
Additionally, when making your decision, think about the cost as well. The larger bean bags are more expensive, due to the number of resources that are required for making such a large size chair. Materials that are more “high end” such as leather will cost even more, as well. These are important questions to consider: is it worth the hassle and the cost, in the end?
Other Options in Other Styles
We have talked so far about the options for round bean bag chairs. In addition to this style, there are other options that could also be a fit for anyone looking for a large to the extra-large chair.
The Lounger
The “lounger”: having a back supporting structure, it is a hybrid of a bean bag chair and recliner chair. With this structure, you can easily prop your feet on it and scratch out. The price is around $300 online and it comes in many different varieties, leaving many styles to choose from.
The Slab
Another style is called the “slab” bean bag chair. This chair is more of a pillow-like structure, resembling a mattress, in some cases.
This option would also be perfect for having extended company, as it is more versatile than an air mattress and it does not have to be reinflated after every use. It is also more reliable and will not deflate during use.
With a slab bean bag chair, you can also move it from room to room with ease, just like the other styles that we have discussed. These chairs are typically around $300, as well.
A “Size-able” Decision
Given all of this information, you now have a wide knowledge base that should equip you to make a decision that will accommodate your needs. As we have discussed, it is important to note all of the factors that go into this decision: the size of the room, storage capability, price, and user-friendliness.
Compared to the price of other living furniture, bean bag chairs can be very affordable. If you are looking to save money, these bean bag chair options might be a great fit for you.
They are indeed more cost-effective and they also can serve dual purposes in your home.
Now let’s discuss the beanbag chair and the size that will be the best fit for your needs.
What Kinds of Bean Bags Are Available?
We have gone through the many types of bean bags: the classic adult style bean bag, the bean bag that can double as bedding, and much more.
There are also bean bag chairs that are made for both indoor and outdoor activities. In addition to this, the styles are versatile with many different colors, sizes, and materials, which are practically limitless. There is a bean bag chair style, shape, and size for every occasion.
Why Do You Need The Right Bean Bag Size?
You may ask, “How do I know which bean bag chair will be the perfect fit for me?” In asking this question, consider the living area and where you will place your bean bag chair.
How much space do you have for this new chair and where will you store it when no one is using it? Additionally, consider who will be using the bean bag chair. Will it be for children, adults, single-person, or for a multi-person space?
Age and weight are also two important factors to take into account, as you want to find the right dimensions to fit your needs. Children tend to migrate towards any size, while teenagers might prefer a size large. Adults typically want an extra-large bean bag chair to accommodate for height and weight differences.
You also must consider the care of your bean bag chair and how you will clean it. This can be a simple routine of taking off the cover of the chair and putting it in a washer. Care instructions will also come with each individual bean bag chair; some may need special cleaning accommodations.
Related: Is a Bean Bag Chair a Terrible Idea for the Living Room?