Closet space is something we only think about when it starts to get cramped, then we wonder where the heck to go with everything. And if you’re anything like me, throwing clothes and shoes away is not an option. Keeping your closet space organized can help, as American motivational author, Louise Hay knew all too well. She said: ‘Cluttered closets mean a cluttered mind.’
But sometimes, no matter how organized you try to be, you run out of space. Then what?
I’ve faced this problem so many times that I’ve experimented with many different solutions. Now, I’m sharing my hard-earned knowledge with you.
Here are some of the best ways you can deal with running out of closet space for your clothes.
Related: Bedroom Closet Ideas | Awesome Walk-In Closet Ideas
Repurpose an Old Trunk
We all have that old trunk that has been passed down from one generation to the next that just lies in the cupboard collecting dust bunnies. Why not actually use it and make your great-grandparents happy that they invested in such an ugly — I mean interesting — trunk?
If it’s a wooden trunk, even better!
You can put all the items you don’t currently need in the trunk. For example, if it’s summer now, all your winter clothes can go in the trunk and wait in the cupboard until it’s time to pull them out and put away the summer wear.
Use a Shelved Rack
A shelved rack is ideal for storing things like shoes and hats. Using a shelf this way can actually help you stay organized. Put your favorite sandals and boots on the shelf and you’ll always know where they are.
If the rack has the right kind of design, you can even use it to store your socks so you don’t have to hop around on one foot looking for the one you’re wearing’s mate.
Incorporate a Detached Wardrobe Rack
If you have space in your room, you can use a detached wardrobe rack. These are awesome for hanging jackets and bulky clothes that usually take up a lot of closet space. Plus, they tend to be really affordable too!
If the wardrobe rack comes with a little platform, you can even store your handbags and shoes on it for extra convenience and more space in your closet.
Make the Most of the Space Under Your Bed
Unless you’re like me and you removed the legs of your bed because that dark space is creepy, you can use that space to make more space in your closet.
You can store all your heavy sweaters and other bulky closet items under your bed and forget about them until you need them. Short plastic bins, rolling storage drawers, and other forms of storage are perfect for keeping stuff under your bed.
Hang Your Accessories
Many of us often forget all the lovely jewelry, scarves, and other accessories we have because they’ve been stored away and forgotten. Often, all those accessories end up in your closet, stealing space.
Use Command hooks or thin nails to hang up your accessories and give your room an extra touch of personality. Hanging your accessories out in the open will help you remember you have them and clear up some space in your closet — it’s a win-win situation!
Use a Bookcase
Audrey Hepburn once said: “Some people dream of having a big swimming pool. With me, it’s closets.” and I can’t help but agree with her. However, simple folks like me have to settle for making creative plans when closet storage runs out and I can’t buy a bigger house immediately.
Although it sounds a bit weird, using a bookcase as a place for storing clothes is actually quite brilliant. You can store sweaters, T-shirts, pants, shoes, and just about anything you can fit in a bookcase! And if you don’t like the idea of all your clothes out in the open like that, install a rod and hang some pretty curtains.
Hang Your Clothes
Okay, yes ‘hang your clothes’ sounds pretty obvious, but I’m talking about hanging your clothes outside the closet. You can install hooks in your ceiling, attach a rope to them and let it dangle. Then, tie the rope along a rod that is as long as the distance between those hooks and you’ll have a nice space to hang your clothes.
Use Bins
Beautiful bins can be a lifesaver when it comes to cleaning up closet space. They’re so versatile and can even act as dé cor in your room. Store your shoes, socks, shirts, and anything else you think will fit in colorful bins and clean up some space in your poor closet.
Use an Old Ladder
This may seem like the craziest idea you’ve heard from me yet, but hear me out. If you’ve got an old ladder standing around that you won’t trust to hold your weight anymore, use it for storage rather than throwing it out.
You won’t have to work hard to transform that old ladder into a very handy shoe storage unit. It can even add a bit of a rustic feel to your room. This will only work if you don’t have pets that could bump into or jump onto the ladder and cause chaos, though.
No Closet? No Problem
I’ve shared with you some really creative ways that will take care of the issue of running out of closet space. You can use them all, or just the one you find most appealing. Perhaps you’ve thought of your own ideas based on what you’ve got going on in your house. Having no closet space doesn’t have to mean you have to throw out your precious clothes.