Once, I made a bunch of macrame hangers for plant pots. Okay, so then I had all these hangers and even the pots. What next? There was only one thing to do – find the houseplants that send out vines or tendrils, so they could hang artfully from the pots in the macrame hangers. The one thing I didn’t realise, is just how many houseplants with vines I had to choose from.
1. Let’s begin with the Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens), the most amenable of houseplants
This popular plant is also known as the ‘Sweetheart Plant’ and is a feature in a lot of homes. It grows by sending out long stems or vines, which can be trained to grow on a structure or left to hang from a height. The Heartleaf Philodendron can grow in a dry atmosphere, but will need to be misted regularly. It prefers warmer temperatures and only moderate to bright sunlight. If the plant is not getting enough light, the leaves will grow more sparsely along the vines. However, too much direct sunlight will scorch the leaves. Indoor lighting is a good steady source of light for this plant. It is important to keep the soil in the pot of a Heartleaf Philodendron fairly damp, although the surface should be allowed to dry out between watering. The plant needs a moderate amount of water, which must be carefully monitored, because overwatering can cause root rot. The soil should contain organic material, but must drain well.
2. On the other hand, you may have to play Devil’s advocate with Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), because it truly is one of the easiest climbers to grow
Pothos is also known as the Devil’s Ivy and is a popular houseplant. It sends out long tendrils on which the leaves grow alternately. The vines can be trained quite easily to grow along or around any type of support. They are particularly attractive when trained to grow along a wall. Using wire or string can make this a specific picture or pattern. For the best growth, Pothos prefers a lot of light, but it should be indirect. This means they should not be grown next to a window inside, but in a bright area. They can also tolerate some shade. Pothos doesn’t need a lot of water. In fact, they can be watered only every 7 to 14 days. In bright light, this may need to be more frequent. Pothos plants are not very fussy and can grow in just about any soil, as long as it’s quite well-drained. They do prefer a soil that is rich in nutrients, though.
3. With Donkey’s Tail (Sedum morganianum), take care you don’t knock it, or the leaves may rain down
Donkey’s Tail (also known as Burro’s tail) is a popular plant grown in hanging baskets or pots, because of the way its tendrils hang downwards. The tendrils are strong and covered with small succulent leaves. Unfortunately, this plant isn’t as strong as the creature after which it is named and can drop the leaves if it is bumped. This plant should be grown in the sun. Ideally, this means a few hours in full sun and the rest of the time in partial sun. It can also grow in semi-shade, but is stronger with at least some full sun. Because it is a succulent, the Donkey’s Tail needs a low level of water and is very drought resistant. It may only need watering every 7 to 10 days. If the leaves begin to pucker slightly, this is a sign that the plant needs water. The Donkey’s Tail needs to grow in a sandy soil that is well-drained. Mostly, it will do well with a soil mixture for succulents or cacti.
4. Then, you can look out for the Maidenhair Vine above, below and in between
The Maidenhair Vine has the quality of sending its vines out along the ground, or hanging freely down from an elevated position. This means it can be trained to form a ground cover, or it can be allowed to dangle down from a hanging basket. The vines can also be encouraged to travel along a windowsill or ledge. Although the Maidenhair Vine prefers medium to bright light, it can tolerate direct sun, especially if it is filtered through a window. It needs a moderate amount of water, preferably when the top of the soil is dry. During winter, it will need less water. The soil should retain moisture, but must also be well-drained.
5. Don’t be too freaked out when the Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) spreads up, over and around just about any support
One of the great features of the creeping fig is that the tendrils are self-clinging, so they can really grow along or over anything, including a wall. It grows very quickly and vigorously, so it may need to be contained by pinching the vines or pruning the whole plant. The Creeping Fig is quite adaptable, growing in full sun and also in partial shade. The plants do prefer warmer temperatures, so they should be kept in a part of the house that gets a lot of light and is relatively warm. The light should be indirect, rather than full sun. This means the plant should not grow next to a window. The best soil for this plant is an organically rich mix that is well-drained. It needs a moderate amount of water and the soil should be kept damp, not wet. This means watering when the soil is dry, which will usually be once a week or so during the growing season.
6. For another creepy moment, the Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) looks just like a handful of spiders lying upside down in a pot
Spider plants are one of the hardiest indoor plants, which makes them a popular feature in many homes. They are not demanding and can thrive with only the slightest care. They are ideal hanging plants, with the long vines they send out resembling a many-legged spider, or the legs of many spiders. These plants prefer warm conditions, with bright but indirect light. They can also tolerate low light and grow well under artificial lights too. If the conditions are too warm, they will need to be watered quite regularly. However, generally, Spider Plants need a moderate amount of water. When the soil dries, it should be dampened thoroughly. Too much water can rot the roots. Because it’s necessary to make sure that there is no extra water around the roots of the Spider Plant, the preferred soil is well-drained and may be enriched with something like perlite to assist with drainage.
7. Give the Inch Plant (Tradescantia zebrina) a pot and it’ll grow by the yard
Inch plants grow best in a position that has a medium amount of light, but can also do well in brighter light. They need a moderate amount of water and must not become waterlogged through over-watering. The guide should be the soil: if it is dry down to about one inch (2.5 cm), the soil should be soaked until it is damp throughout. It is best to grow an Inch Plant in well-drained soil that is neutral to acidic. The long, quick growing tendrils of the Inch Plant are easy to train over any support. Encourage them to grow up a pole, along a railing, or even in a pattern along a wall. They are also great plants to use in a hanging basket. Because of the quick rate of growth, an Inch Plant can be trained to create interesting living features, such as a hanging ball.
8. Let English Ivy (Hedera helix) take root and you’ll have an old friend for life
There are some plants that everyone recognizes and English Ivy has to be one of those. It is a great climber and grows quite quickly, along just about any surface or up and around any support. The leaves are usually dark green, but may also be variegated. The soil that is best suited to English Ivy is well-drained and organically rich. The ivy can tolerate a range of pH levels, so the soil can be alkaline, neutral or even acidic. The plants need little water, so should only be watered once every 10 – 14 days or so. The best indication is when the soil is dry. Then it should be soaked, not drenched. English Ivy prefers full or partial shade and full sunlight can burn the leaves. They grow very well next to windows, but may do even better in a bright location with little harsh light.
9. For a touch of class, look out for the Mandevilla Vine (Mandevilla splendens), whose splendor is not only in the name
The bright pink flowers alone of the Mandevilla vine make it a popular patio plant. It needs soil that is quite sandy and well-drained, but is rich in organic matter. A Mandevilla vine needs a medium amount of water, making it necessary to water it once or twice a week. The soil must not be allowed to become soggy. Mandevilla vines prefer a bright, sunny location, although they can grow in partial or semi-shade. This makes them perfect for a verandah, or a glassed-in patio. However, you can grow them in the house, but near an open window. Too little direct light will mean fewer, less bright flowers.
10. You can also let the spotlight fall on the centre of the show, Star Jasmine (Tracelospermum jasminoides)
The tendrils that Star Jasmine sends out attach themselves to just about any support and the plant can be trained to grow up poles, along fences, or over arches. It produces particularly sweet-smelling flowers, which makes this a favorite indoor and outdoor plant. Jasmine loves the sun and can grow well in direct sunlight. However, if the temperatures are very hot, then it should be in a position with indirect light. It generally needs a moderate amount of water and should be watered once every 7 – 10 days. However, when the temperatures rise, Star Jasmine will need more regular watering. Although it can grow in a range of soils, the best option for Star Jasmine is a loamy, well-drained soil that is mixed with organic compost. The soil must not be allowed to become soggy, or the plant may develop root rot.
11. Of all the houseplants, Grape Ivy (Cissus alata) can adapt to different light conditions
Grape Ivy, or Venezuela Treebine, is a creeping plant that sends out forked tendrils, which will grow along just about any support. This makes the Grape Ivy a great plant for training in patterns along walls, or as a feature around a central support. The plants can reach up to three metres. This is quite an easy plant to grow indoors and can adapt to different levels of light. It grows best in full sun, but will also do well in an area not receiving so much sun. Generally, the Grape Ivy needs a moderate amount of water, but this will need to be increased when it receives a lot of sun. It really is not a high-maintenance plant. As with most house plants, the Grape Ivy should be planted in well-drained and aerated soil that is mixed with organic compost. The pot itself should drain easily, so that the soil doesn’t become water-logged. It should be neutral or slightly acidic.
12. Look out for the Black-eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata) around the corner – she may be winking at you, or just watching her vines climb
It is the easily recognizable yellow or orange flowers with black centres that give the Black-eyed Susan vine its name. The flowers grow among the pointed leaves on many vines or stems that eventually become intertwined. They will grow around any support. The Black-eyed Susan vine is native to Africa and is used to warm temperatures. It needs quite a lot of bright light, but not direct sunlight. This makes it a great indoor plant, as long as it is positioned in a place that is quite bright. These plants require well-drained soil, which should be kept damp, but must not be allowed to become soggy. This means the Black-eyed Susan should be watered quite regularly.
13. Of course, you can always put your money in the plant bank with the Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)
The Chinese money plant is one you can really bank on. It’s hardy, quite easy to care for, and grows easily and prolifically. It is also a very attractive indoor plant. Most indoor plants need to grow in well-drained soil and so does the Chinese Money plant. It needs regular watering, but the soil must dry out in between. This usually translates into about once a week, but it may be more frequent if the weather is hot. The sand should be soaked, not soggy, and also not left to dry out too much, or the plant will wilt. A Pilea plant needs to get enough indirect light. This usually means in a bright area inside, or on a protected porch.