Studio: Chan Architecture
Location: Hawthorn East
Constructing two townhouses on a typical quarter acre suburban block always poses a unique set of challenges. Each townhouse has to read as a single entity so as to fit within the existing streetscape, and yet have its’ own identity. Neighboring properties often have side windows to consider and backyards that can’t be overshadowed or overlooked. Once subdivided, the sites are often long and narrow and so the challenge is how to give the same impression of space and light as a single home on half a block.
Townhouses are very popular amongst downsizers and families with older children, so downstairs master bedrooms are a must, plus a bright and modern kitchen and two separate living spaces. They also have to have ample storage, secure and very low maintenance.
The response to this brief was to create two, side by side townhouses set at different heights so as to give each building a sense of difference and yet can still read as a single entity. The first floors are set in from the side boundaries and towards the front of the block to prevent overshadowing of neighbours, as well as to allow for higher ceilings on the ground floor towards the rear. The setbacks also allow numerous highlight windows and skylights for natural light throughout the day.
The garage, front door, study window and authority services are all covered in lightweight aluminum batten screening which creates visually cleaner lines, with low maintenance, metal cladding on the first floor.
The new living area opens up towards the garden, via fully openable stacker doors to allow the backyard to be part of the house, allow sunlight to penetrate into the living spaces in the winter months, and to allow for natural ventilation to run through the entire house.
The materials were carefully chosen to provide texture and subtle variety to give each space its’ own individuality and to create different moods throughout the house, in particular with the selection of floor and wall tiles, light fittings and floor finishes.