Location: Monte Alto 4545 Casi Ramos Alfaro, Luque, Paraguay
Architecture: TDA®
Architecture: Miguel Duarte, Larissa Rojas
Collaborators: Alberto Martinez, Miguel Duarte, Luis Landivar, Magali Ibarrola
Structural Design: TDA® + Enrique Granada
Structural Calculation: Enrique Granada
Construction: TDA®
Built Area: 35m2
Year of Design: 2015
Year of Construction: 2016
Photographs: Federico Cairoli
Pablo picasso surprised a sunday morning with a quote.
The computers are useless; they can only give you answers.
This bright reflection led to this experimentation.
If our job as space designers is closed into answers that can only bring pre established elements (columns, beam, slab, ceiling, wall), our role becomes static.
Nowdays, our obligation is to shake us up and ask questions.
How much?
With what?
A beam never asks these questions.
A beam answers, a beam solves.
Then the question is…
Is a beam the solution to all of the contemporary questions of space generation?
This little project is redefined in the need to generate shelter.
Based on its logic of construction that rethinks economy, resources, need and space.
This way, an 7×5 excavation.
An absolute connection with the landscape.
A 5 centimeters concrete plane that folds generating inertia and because of an absolutely elemental reasoning, a plate becomes and structural support.
Everything else, is anecdotic.
Architectural studio, exaggerated light, wind, natural thermic control.
A wooden deck filtrates the sun incidence on top of the roof.
A table that’s not conceived as furniture, but structure.
It floats eccentricly, giving name and scale to the space.
This is our studio`s headquarters.