Designed by: A-001 Taller de Arquitectura
Block House is originated from the transverse overlap of two volumes, creating a set of contrasts between solids and voids. A longitudinal black concrete prism becomes the main piece as it rises from the ground and perches on top of a gray concrete prism, in a non-geometric balance.
The swimming lane is a fundamental element; located on the left side of the house next to the party wall, it displaces the volume and generates a light opening, which gently bathes in light the ground floor.
The common areas are located on ground level, in direct relation with the exteriors; while the private areas are located inside of the suspended volume, in a condition of greater privacy. The rooftop of the transverse volume is taken advantage of with a terrace that serves the entire upper floor.
The structural design was dictated by the intention of giving lightness and volatility to both prisms. Slender columns support the black prism and free the space beneath it.
Materiality emphasizes the contrast between solid and light. Wood and marble stones used on interiors complement the aesthetics of the house. Block House proposes a form that invites to inhabit inside and outside.